The Need - International

2019-2020 International Project

Maluk Timor – Malnutrition Program 2019

The Overall Plan

  • Partner with Maluk Timor- A not-for-profit NGO working to advance quality healthcare in Timor-Leste.
  • Use existing government trained nutrition technicians who are feeling inadequately trained, supported & resourced.
  • Goal: To have an intervention program up and running in community health centres by the end of the year.

Highest rate of malnutrition outside of Africa- 44% of children are malnourished

Highest rate of stunting in the world – more than 50% of children under 5yrs affected

Connect with Little Lives

Little Lives Target

$30,000 over 2 years


1. Develop Maluk Timor Malnutrition plan in consultation with key partners.
2. Formal consultation with support nutrition workers at Dili Community Health Centres (CHCs).
3. Facilitate Nutrition Workers Network.
4. Provide specific upskilling and mentorship opportunities.
5. Partner with and mentor one CHC to support a best practice model
6. Partner with and mentor one CHC to support improved follow up of defaulters